
69745814 瑞健醫療 SHL Medical



公司名稱: 瑞健醫療 SHL Medical
產業類別: 傳統產業/製造業
公司網址: https://www.shl-medical.com/
員工人數: 5300
資本額: 10000000000
公司簡介: 瑞健集團(SHL)成立於1989年,目標以西方管理模式在亞洲打造具有國際水準的生產中心。如今,在全球製藥及生物科技領域,SHL已成為藥物輸送系統的OEM/ODM領導製造商,如自動安全注射器。除此之外,SHL還擴展許多產品線,像是軟性結構類醫療產品、醫療氣墊床、醫療床、腦神經手術器具、工業 設備和醫療用吊昇設備等,目標市場為北美、歐洲及亞洲。

SHL (Scandinavian Health Ltd) is currently the world's largest privately-owned designer, developer and manufacturer of advanced drug delivery systems. The organization was established in 1989 by Swedish entrepreneurs Roger Samuelsson and Martin Jelf with the goal of combining world-class manufacturing in Asia with the strengths of Western Management practices.
SHL manufactures devices including pen injectors, auto injectors and inhaler systems. We also manufacture a range of other products including pressure mattress systems, patient lifting slings, medical soft goods, beds, neurosurgical devices, catheters and industrial equipment.
主要營業項目: 1. 藥品注射器材 Drug Delivery Systems
2. 醫療科技及工業製造 Med-Tech & Industrial OEM Manufacturing
3. 醫院/家庭護理器材之設計製造 OEM/ODM Rehabilitation Equipment for home health care and hospital environment
4. 模具設計/製造 Tooling Design & Manufacturing
福利制度: 1. 提供完善的薪資及福利制度(含三節、年終、績效獎金與員工酬勞等) Comprehensive salary and benefits
2. 年度員工健康檢查 Annual health check program
3. 員工團體保險(含意外險、防癌險、醫療險) Group insurance program
4. 優於勞基法特休天數Better package in annual leave with pay
5. 彈性工作時間 Flexible working hours
6. 生育、婚喪補助金、旅遊津貼 Subsidies of travel, birth, marriage and funeral grants etc.
7. 教育訓練(新進同仁訓練、OJT訓練、證照訓練、語文訓練、管理訓練等) Training programs (New employee orientation, OJT, licensing, language and management training etc.)
8. 多元開放的工作環境 Diverse and open working environment
教育訓練: 1. 提供完善的薪資及福利制度(含三節、年終、績效獎金與員工酬勞等) Comprehensive salary and benefits
2. 年度員工健康檢查 Annual health check program
3. 員工團體保險(含意外險、防癌險、醫療險) Group insurance program
4. 優於勞基法特休天數Better package in annual leave with pay
5. 彈性工作時間 Flexible working hours
6. 生育、婚喪補助金、旅遊津貼 Subsidies of travel, birth, marriage and funeral grants etc.
7. 教育訓練(新進同仁訓練、OJT訓練、證照訓練、語文訓練、管理訓練等) Training programs (New employee orientation, OJT, licensing, language and management training etc.)
8. 多元開放的工作環境 Diverse and open working environment
博覽會: 博覽會